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World "Mother Nature" Day

Mother Nature World Day

Celebrate World "Mother Nature" Day on June 5th 2018. We all know the golden rules to take care of it.
Recylce, save water and use public transport to name just a few. But, have you thought about more possibilities?

Each of 10 tips that we you expose later you will contribute some benefit more than the own satisfaction of helping to the Nature.

10 tips to help to take care of the environment

1. You do not plasticize your life: When we go to the supermarket, the seller offers us a bag to transport the goods, which in many occasions also comes packed in trays of polystyrene. On having come to house, the majority a times, plastic these go to the garbage ado. Because of it, it bets for bulk food and to bring your own bag of fabric or recycled material. You will save also some cents in every purchase.

2. The lavatory is not a dump: if you monitor what you throw, beside avoiding the invoice of the plumber, you will enjoy a cleaner beach in the next holydays.

3. You do not stop loading the mobile, tablet or portable of permanent form: You will Save in the electricity bill. In addition, your batteries neither will lose its load capacity nor will diminish its useful life.

4. Way is done on having walked: Walk and you will improve your physical form simultaneously that you will know new local details from where you live.

5. Go Local. To consume products to which we name "LET" (Local, Ecological and of Season): They have crossed less distance up to your house, so they are cheaper and healthy on not having contained pesticides harmful to the health.

6. To exchange books that you have liked: the recommendation of another person is a guarantee and opens the doors you for books that you were not knowing or in which you had not concentrated on a bookshop. As gratuity, on having finished the reading, you will have an interesting conversation on her or him.

7. To stay more often with your friends and / or relatives: it will allow you to enjoy your in a real environment. Furthermore, you will keep your relations alive "off-line" across chats, walks or other recreative activities that you desire.

8. To put a plant near your: It will Renew the environment of the house and will give it a decorative touch. It will be gratifying to see her growing thanks to your care.

9. Do It Yourself: To cook, to do of handyman or to create an object that uses you as decoration, it will make you value more the small things. In addition, you will discover that you are more creative and less awkward than you were thinking.

10. Dedicate you a time: it will help you know better. You will gain selfesteem and you it will be easier to identify your weak points. The most important thing is that you will discover that it is possible to have awhile gratifying without anything else than you themselves.